Refactoring Guru | Programming Book + Website Localization

Jorge F. Ramírez

Web Designer

About is the brainchild of Ukranian programmer Alexander Shvets, in which he aims to teach even the most seasoned programmers how to improve their code through the art of refactoring. The project includes a book and a companion website, and features a variety of algorithms and advanced design patterns applicable to any and all styles of coding.

The Job

The language employed by Alex is friendly, playful and easy to follow, while at the same time, the concepts exposed are very concise and technical. As is usually the case, the jokes are particularly tricky, especially since the target audience is anyone who speaks Spanish, no matter where in the Spanish-speaking world they are from.
The project required keen research skills, as well as vast coding experience, an ability to perform technical writing, and a good eye for spotting potentially troublesome aspects in a discipline that feeds from an ever-growing international community, which is a breeding ground for language ambiguities.


The files produced were in XML format.

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