HR Analytics

Ali Hassan

Data Analyst
Data Visualizer
Human Resources Manager
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power BI

HR Analytics Project for Data Analysis


The HR Analytics project for data analysis has completed by me, using Excel, and Power BI to analyze and present the findings.


The primary objectives of the HR Analytics project were to explore and analyze employee data to gain insights into various aspects of the workforce, such as recruitment, promotion, retention, and employee satisfaction. The project aimed to utilize the available data to identify patterns and trends in the workforce that could help the HR department optimize the workforce's performance and enhance employee satisfaction.


The project will be divided into four phases:
Data collection
Data cleaning
Data analysis
Report creation


The analysis includes exploring the following variables:
Analysis of Gender Distribution
Total Employee Analysis
Promotions Analysis
Service Years Analysis
Active Workers Analysis
Distance from Office Analysis


The project analyzes the gender distribution of the workforce and determines if there is any gender disparity in terms of recruitment, promotion, and retention.

Total Employees:

The project analyzes the total number of employees in the organization and identifies trends in employee growth or decline over time.


The project analyzes the number of employees who have been promoted within the organization, the frequency of promotions, and the time it takes for an employee to get promoted.

Service Years:

The project analyzes the length of service for each employee and identifies trends in employee retention and attrition.

Active Workers:

The project analyzes the number of active workers in the organization and determines if there are any patterns in the reasons for employees' leaving.

Distance from Office:

The project analyzes the distance between employees' residences and the office location to determine if distance has an impact on employee productivity, attendance, or retention.

Results and Insights:

By analyzing these variables, the project provides insights into the organization's workforce and identifies areas for improvement in the recruitment, retention, and promotion of employees. The analysis helps the HR department make informed decisions to optimize the workforce's performance and enhance employee satisfaction.
The reports that summarize the findings and visualizations on Power BI present the data in an easy-to-understand format. The project also highlights that the gender distribution in the organization has/has been analyzed, and any disparities identified. The analysis also delves deeper into identifying any patterns in employee growth or decline over time. The number of employees who have been promoted, the time it takes to get promoted, and the length of service for each employee have also been analyzed. Additionally, patterns in the reasons for employees leaving and the impact of distance on employee productivity, attendance, or retention have been explored.


Overall, this HR Analytics project has been completed using Excel, and Power BI, providing valuable insights to the organization's HR department to optimize the workforce's performance and enhance employee satisfaction.


Full Insights
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