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Frontend development - Regular World NFT
SeaTrees Dashboard — Web3 dApp Development
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Web3 Crypto build with BuildShip, Vue.JS & Flutterflow
HedgeLoop: Preserving NFT value, while yielding revenue.
NowBanq Exchange
CryptoMaze - Traki
Protocol Labs — Moving a Web3 community forward
1515Surf | 3D exploration platform
Openwaver: Website for a Web3 Startup
Web3 Wallet Landing Page - Tech Partner
Frame - A protocol to create, train and own intelligent NFTs
Telegram Mini Apps
RocketWizard | Copytrading Platform
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Crypto Wallet
Web3 Social Platform Frontend Design Implementation
Integrating Three.js with React, Redux and MUI
IQ Capital - Full Stack Web Application
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Enhancing User Experience and Performance at Ezyswap
Travel Agency