Website development -

Sheng Yu

Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer

#The Project

Design and develop a website with a fluid user experience while updating its branding.

Using Material UI, Next.js/React, and Laravel as the foundation of the site, I developed a homepage to show visitors in a short time exactly what Travelbay does. The site was designed to give their business a personality while also being professional and user-friendly.

The site uses the newest material UI/React, incorporating Laravel for easy addition of blog posts and fast-loading pages and flexibility to add new features down the road.

#Built-in Features

  • MapBox SDK integration
  • Sendgrid API for email service
  • Google SEO with custom reviews.
  • Social login (Google. Facebook)
  • Scapper to fetch data.
  • Reddis cache for fast loading.

#Tech stuff

  • Cloud Based solution (AWS, Google cloud, firebase)
  • Laravel + WordPress + Next.js/React + MySQL

#Final Result

Increased SEO score and performance by 50%, and deployed website and admin panel via automatic deployment process(CI/CD) using vercel.

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