HedgeLoop: Preserving NFT value, while yielding revenue.

Chinwuba Israel

Smart Contract Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Solidity Engineer

❇️ Project Overview

✦ About the client: HedgeLoop

HedgeLoop is a protocol whose goal is to serve as security to NFT holders and prevent them from losing all their money in the highly volatile world of cryptocurrencies.

✨ The Spark

✦ What were the client's needs and goals?

After experiencing rug pulls and various scams in the web3 space, the HedgeLoop team was determined to build a protocol that would protect others from similar losses. Their goal was to create a security layer that would act as a hedge against rug pulls and safeguard NFT holders from the risk of their assets losing value or going to zero.
hedgeloop landing page
hedgeloop landing page
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