Pennylane — Framework

Anthony Zaccardi

Product Designer
Product Strategist
Operations Manager

Efficiency or quality..both!

💪 Challenge

Pennylane is divided into several squads that do not all use the same framework. Some use Shape-Up. Without going into details, this framework is not ideal for a designer. The designer is usually in a rush and does not do the research, the tests and sometimes even the QA

🎯 Goal

The objective was obvious: find a framework for everyone to benefit, while guaranteeing quality and efficiency. To find a solution so that the devs are "fed", that we can push features in production regularly and all that, without pressing the designer and the PM

💎 Solution

The solution we have arrived at is based on several elements. First of all, not to say "we have X weeks, what can we do", but "we want to do this, how long does it take?". Then, to have mandatory design reviews along the way to avoid backtracking that breaks the momentum and delays the entire roadmap. Then, to make sure that design and PM have enough time by guaranteeing that they have at least 1 project ahead of the techs. And finally, that the discovery of each project is done as a team (tech+PM+designer) to guarantee the same level of information and be able to align on a solution early in the process.

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