Case Study | FINN.AUTO

Alex Bull

Blog Writer
Technical Writer
Google Docs
Google Search Console


A car subscription brand that aims to educate readers with blog content and persuasive copy. They disrupt the market with their Mobility as a Service (MaaS) model, offering 6-12 month all-in-one car subscriptions.

Problem & solution

The brand needs to grow in an industry which is still finding its feet.
MaaS is a new concept that appeals to younger audiences. With FINNs unique setup of maintenance, taxes and roadside assistance all included in one monthly price, my job was to inform their growing audiences about traditional ways people use and own cars and display FINN as an exciting alternative. 


Traditional Buying and Selling
Credit score and finance when buying cars
Repossessions - Voluntary and Involuntary

Links to example ghostwritten blogs:


I wanted to first understand how the traditional methods of buying, leasing and renting a car work and undertook careful research. I found that there were not many guides that fully answered the common questions that customers have. Therefore, with my car industry knowledge, I made sure to include common questions in my copy. Debunking myths and laying out each step within the how-to guide clearly, so readers understand the answer to their original question and more.
I made sure to include FINN as an alternative to traditional renting and leasing with their car subscription model. Showcasing their brand in a positive way, but not to defer a reader from their original purpose of reading the article. As FINNs core values are honesty and focus on customers’ needs first.
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