I worked with Contra to host 14 live events with influencers and professionals in the freelancing space!
About the Events 💻
Contra hosted free live events designed to share knowledge and insights with freelancers on how to manage their independent businesses. The goal of these events was to highlight the importance of having a portfolio to showcase your work, and in turn convert attendees to register for Contra, leveraging the platform to host their portfolio and elevate their professional presence.
We hosted events with Dann Petty, Alex Fasulo and Barbiana Liu to name a few!
My Role🙋🏼♀️
- Create and organize events in Luma and Venue
- Create event assets and write copy (ie. slide decks, social assets, bit.ly links, etc…)
- Monitor event registration and verify attendees
- Perform event outreach and share event announcements in various online freelance communities (ie. Slack, Facebook, Discord, Linkedin, etc…)
- Prepare event outline for influencers and event hosts
- Worked closely with influencers to prepare them for event
- Monitor event inbox and respond to any emails
- Monitor events live and engage with audience via chat
- Create and manage pre and post event email series
- Gather and breakdown post-event analytics and identify areas of success and opportunity for upcoming events
- Upload event footage to Contra Youtube channel
If you're looking for a reliable partner to enhance productivity and streamline tasks, send me a message and let's connect - I can't wait to meet you! 💫