Prestige Wellness needed their copy to reflect their growing high-end audience and their new branding.
Problem & Solution 🤝
Prestige CBD was rebranding as Prestige Wellness. While they worked with a brand designer to update the look of their website and product packaging, they needed a copywriter to come in and help them match the tone of their website copy to their new audience and new look.
Goals/Requirements: Elevate the website copy to match their target audience and new look.
Process 🛣
The process looked like this:
❇️ Discovery: Sami, Ed and I took a long kick-off call to dive into their target audience. We looked at what was staying the same, what was changing, and how their brand goals were shifting with their new design. We spent a lot of time niching down town of voice and the types of brands they were looking to emulate.
❇️ Writing: Taking the newly designed web layout, I implemented copy that spoke to the high-performer, the achiever, the jet setter. I worked to find copy that spoke to the type of person looking to optimize their day from the moment their feet hit the floor in the morning until the moment their head hit the pillow at night.
❇️ Implementation: After a few rounds of back and forth to make the sure the wording was just right, we handed it off to their web designer to implement and make live.
Results 🎁
Sami and Eds new site has managed to niche down to a very specific audience. We've since worked together on additional sales copy to keep their business booming!
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Posted Oct 25, 2022
CBD and nutraceuticals company undergoing a complete rebrand needed to update their brand messaging to meet the newly elevated look and feel.