Revamping the Response Page of SummarAIze

Prathamesh Agrawal

Web Designer
UX Designer
Product Designer

As a freelancer, I worked on a project to improve the SummarAIze Response Page. This platform specializes in converting audio to text and organizing content using templates. My objective was to enhance the overall user experience by redesigning the platform. To achieve this, I conducted a thorough analysis, upgraded the interactive components and improved the content classification.

Redesigned Response Page
Redesigned Response Page

Acquiring the Project

I secured this freelancing opportunity through Contra, a platform connecting freelancers and clients. Initially, our discussions transpired on Contra, leading to a productive meeting. Subsequently, we transitioned our communication to WhatsApp and utilized Loom for efficient collaboration.

Client's Requirements and Connection

The client had a clear vision – they sought a substantial revamp of the response page, encompassing both user interface (UI) enhancements and augmented functionality to bolster the user experience (UX). Our initial connection revolved around this shared goal.

Project Goals and Objectives

The client's goals and objectives were well-defined:

Redesigning the response page to enhance its visual appeal and usability.

Integrating a template marketplace to enrich user options.

Old Design
Old Design

Client's Expectations

The client held specific expectations regarding design improvements and outcomes. They aimed to make the response page more flexible, improve call-to-action (CTA) elements, refine redirection mechanisms, and introduce user-friendly actions. These expectations steered the project's direction.

Design Process

Information Architecture

The previous information architecture of the response page lacked clarity and hierarchy. To address this, we undertook a redesign that aimed to categorize actions, streamline content, and ensure accessibility.

Challenges with the Old Information Architecture:

Approach to Reorganization:

Snippet from Information Architecture
Snippet from Information Architecture

Old Design Critique

The old design exhibited strengths in offering a clear idea of the required elements, but simultaneously, it suffered from several identified weaknesses.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Strength: Provided a clear understanding of essential elements.

Weaknesses: Cluttered layout and usability issues marred the user experience.

Old Response Page
Old Response Page

Areas for Improvement: The existing design unequivocally needed enhancements, with a cluttered layout and usability challenges serving as compelling catalysts for transformation.

New Feature Conceptualization

In the conceptualization stage, we envisioned several new features for the redesign of SummarAIze's response page, each aimed at enhancing the user experience and aligning with the product's goals:

Share and Copy Content: We proposed the addition of functionality that enables users to easily share and copy content, enhancing the accessibility and usability of the platform.

New Copy Content Functionality
New Copy Content Functionality

Template Usage: Introducing a template usage functionality was a key innovation. This involved the creation of a template marketplace and management system, allowing users to customize content to suit various audience preferences. For instance, marketing professionals could access marketing templates, while those focused on SEO strategy could utilize specialized templates. This feature greatly expanded the product's utility and versatility.

Template CTA Snippet
Template CTA Snippet

Inspiration Gathering

I employed a mood board as a source of inspiration, drawing insights from various websites, apps, and design elements.

Utilized a mood board for diverse design inspirations.

Placed a significant focus on enhancing text accessibility for improved user experience.


Low-Fidelity Wireframing:

During the low-fidelity wireframing stage, I explored multiple layout options to effectively present the response and emphasize the product's available actions. I concentrated on key user flows, including template selections, chatbot redirections, and response layouts. In this phase, I:

Experimented with different layouts for optimal response presentation.

Prioritized the user experience in template selection, chatbot redirection, and response layout.

Enhanced clarity in aspects related to template management and seamless integration of a template marketplace.

Low-Fidelity Design Snippet
Low-Fidelity Design Snippet
Low-Fidelity Wireframe Snippet
Low-Fidelity Wireframe Snippet
Low-Fidelity Wireframe Snippet
Low-Fidelity Wireframe Snippet

Feedback on Low-Fidelity Wireframes:

I sought feedback from the client on my low-fidelity wireframes, focusing on layout, flow clarification, and the need for a table of contents. The feedback process was facilitated through WhatsApp and Loom, offering convenient communication and visual feedback channels. This input played a crucial role in enhancing the quality of the low-fidelity wireframes.

Client feedback emphasized layout selection.

Clarity in various flow processes was refined.

High Fidelity Wireframe

I developed a high-fidelity wireframe for the project, focusing on clarity and functionality. To ensure a comprehensive understanding of each element, I added descriptive labels indicating their intended functionality and potential visual attributes.

High-fidelity wireframe creation.

Emphasis on clarity and functionality.

Inclusion of descriptive labels for element functionality.

Clear visualization of potential visual appearance.

High Fidelity Wireframe
High Fidelity Wireframe
High Fidelity Wireframe
High Fidelity Wireframe

UI Design

The purple/indigo branding was already in place, but I designed the page using a light theme to ensure proper visibility and readability for the reader. I was responsible for establishing the UI guidelines and designing the mobile-responsive layout, along with the desktop version.

Used a light theme to ensure proper visibility and readability for the reader.

Established the UI guidelines.

Designed the mobile-responsive layout.

UI Design GIF

Text Content Display
Text Content Display
Response Page
Response Page
Video-to-Text Design
Video-to-Text Design


I prototyped to demonstrate the user experience for the marketplace, library, template, and empty states:

Marketplace interaction: When a user clicks on the marketplace icon, they are taken to a page where they can browse and purchase templates. Templates can be filtered by category and price. When a user clicks on a template, they are taken to a page where they can preview the template and read reviews.

Library management: Users can manage their templates in the library. They can add, remove, and edit templates. They can also delete templates from the library.

Template deletion: When a user clicks on the delete button for a template, they are prompted to confirm the deletion. Once the template is deleted, it is removed from the library and the user's account.

Library limit: The library has a limit of 100 templates. When a user tries to add a template to the library when it is already full, they are prompted to delete a template before they can add a new one.

Empty states: When a user visits the marketplace or library and there are no templates, they are shown an empty state message. The message explains that there are no templates available and provides instructions on how to add templates.

Modals Design
Modals Design
Empty State Illustration Variations
Empty State Illustration Variations

Documentation & Handover

To support the development of the new response page, I undertook the following documentation and handover measures:

Documented essential design elements: This included comprehensive documentation covering colours, text styles, icons, and buttons used in the new design.

Created explanatory Loom videos: To ensure a smooth transition to the development team, I prepared 2-3 Loom videos that provided detailed explanations of key design interactions and functionalities, offering clear guidance for the implementation phase.

Learnings & Conclusion

In this project, I gleaned valuable insights that have since shaped my approach to future design endeavours:

Efficiency through Wireframe Iteration: Embracing iterative wireframing significantly accelerates the design process, enhancing productivity and agility.

Component and Style Efficiency: Streamlining components and styles not only saves time but also contributes to creating scalable designs, ensuring consistency and coherence across projects.

Responsive Design Mastery: Converting the desktop design into a responsive phone layout showcased my ability to adapt designs for diverse device types, a crucial skill in modern UX/UI design.

Feedback & Recommendations

Client Recommendation: The client provided a highly positive recommendation, indicating their satisfaction with the project's outcomes.

Customer Appreciation: Customers also expressed their appreciation for the redesigned SummarAIze response page, highlighting its improved usability and visual appeal.

Client Recommendation
Client Recommendation
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