This project is currently in progress but I thought its worth sharing what I'm currently up to :)
What is hermaid?
Hermaid is the first digital corporate wellness platform for female health in the DACH region. They address topics that are often overlooked in the healthcare system, such as menopause.
Glimpse at how hermaid can help with menopause
What does my role entail?
I am currently the ux researcher helping co-founder Susanne with the AI chatbot integration into the hermaid platform, collaborating with internal stakeholders, facilitating workshops, interviewing experts for the platform and much more.
AI Chatbot Architecture Workshop
The whole goal of this workshop was to review our understanding of the proposed architecture for the AI chatbot. I lead this highly engaging workshop for our two co-founders which lead to a deeper understanding and key takeaway action points.
Architecture workshop captured in Figjam
Design concepts
With ideas, it's sometimes hard to understand how each would look from just hearing about it alone. To help understand how and why the chatbot should work, I drafted some design concepts of what a typical conversation might be for a woman using hermaid to learn more about how they are feeling. This helped fuel discussions amongst stakeholders to further define how it would work.
AI chatbot concepts
This project will be updated throughout the project.
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Posted Sep 18, 2024
Leading ux research for an AI chatbot implementation.