Sales/Landing Page Copy & Design.

Michael Esan

Digital Marketer
Copy Strategist

Sales Page Strategy

A great sales page can transform your traffic into leads and paying clients. This strategy is designed and tested to double standard conversion rates—taking them from 9% to over 20%. Whether you're selling services, booking consultations, or scheduling appointments, the principles here can work for any service-based business.
Studies show that a well-designed page can increase conversions by 200%, and optimizing user experience (speed, navigation, and clarity) can boost that to 400%. Imagine going from a 5% conversion rate to 20% simply by applying this strategy.
Here’s how to create a high-performing sales page:

1. The Header

Keep it simple and distraction-free. Avoid cluttered drop-down menus and focus only on essentials like your logo, contact information, or a call-to-action (CTA) button.
Sticky Header: Make it stay visible as users scroll so the CTA is always accessible.
Familiar Layout: Place elements where users expect them. Don’t reinvent the wheel; familiarity keeps attention on your offer, not on figuring out navigation.

2. The Headline

This is the first thing visitors see. It must grab attention and encourage action by answering these three questions:
What do you do?
How will it improve their lives?
What do they need to do next?
Keep it direct and results-focused. Highlight the big benefits your clients will get.

3. The Sub-Headline

If the headline is the bold promise, the sub-headline provides context:
What’s the service?
Who’s it for?
How is it delivered?
This helps clarify how you’ll deliver on your promise.

4. Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your CTA button is crucial. It should stand out visually and use first-person, action-oriented language like:
"Book my free strategy session"
"Get my custom quote"
Using “my” instead of “your” can increase clicks by up to 90%. Make it simple for visitors to take the next step.

5. The Image

Your image isn’t just decorative—it’s functional. Show your ideal client enjoying the results they desire. Avoid images of you or your team here; focus on the client and their transformation.

6. Problem Section

This section identifies the pain points your service addresses. Use bullet points (55% more likely to be read than paragraphs) to clearly outline their struggles. When prospects feel understood, they’ll trust you to solve their problems.

7. Solution Section

Position yourself as the guide who can help. Briefly introduce yourself or your company and share a personal story that connects with their challenges.
This is the first time to show your face or team, emphasizing empathy and expertise.

8. Benefits Section

Highlight what clients will gain from working with you. Focus on outcomes, not features:
What problems will you solve?
How will their lives improve?
What results can they expect?
Paint a picture of their success.

9. Action Plan Section

Make it clear and simple to take the next step. Outline a 3-step process like:
Book a call.
Discuss your needs.
Get started.
Clarity removes hesitation and builds confidence.

10. FAQ Section

Anticipate objections and address them head-on. Think of questions like:
Is this worth the cost?
How long does it take?
What if it doesn’t work for me?
Answering these upfront eliminates doubts and makes saying “yes” easier.


This strategy creates a seamless experience that guides visitors, builds trust, and converts them into clients.
If you want me to create, manage, and optimize your sales page for better results, let’s work together. Send me a message, and we’ll make it happen!
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