Taking the platform for booking bands and artists to a new level

Bram Goossens

Brand Designer
Web Designer
UX Designer

About the project

For one of the most well-known booking websites in the Netherlands, I had the opportunity to give a boost to the design and strategy of the current website. Although the website is currently achieving good results, there were many improvements possible by looking at the site flow and working more from a human-centered design. Additionally, we decided to give the colors a more contemporary look that fits with 2024. The visual style also no longer matched the brand's core values. It was a great project that I look back on with pleasure.

New brand identity

Human centered

During the UX process, I find it important to look at the flow in detail. That's why I always make my wireframes as detailed as possible, so that we get a good idea of the placement and space each element takes up. In combination with all the data we collect beforehand through online marketing, we get a good understanding of the current flows and most popular pages. To maintain our Google rankings, we had to ensure that certain elements were replicated exactly as they are.

Old VS new

Old vs New
Old vs New
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