Larger than life tradeshow graphics @ Genius Sports

Rashmi Lopez

3D Designer
Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Adobe Creative Cloud
I led the charge with the Genius Sports marketing and design team to transform a massive two-level, multi-room structure into a branded, sports data experience—within the course of just a few days.

Blitzing the scope

Genius Sports had recently re-positioned their brand and sub-brands for global audiences due to the legalization of sports betting in the United States. Marked by highly stylized graphics, updated colors, and dynamic typography, leaders were keen on blasting it out to the world.
ICE London, boasting industry prestige and 33,000+ confirmed attendees, would be the perfect place to do this. The catch: It came up on us QUICKLY.
Budget: $$$ Paying for quality—GS shelled out some major cash for the opportunity to leave a lasting impression on convention-goers and prospective clients.
Timeline: A tight 3 days—Given that the print & fabrication team was stationed overseas in the UK, I faced the challenge of time differences and a bit of bureaucracy. Elevations for the structure were not delivered until 3 days prior to deadline 😰
Concept: Showcase the updated brand in a big and bold way.

The play-by-play

In a time crunch, it always helps to follow the “4 C’s”:
Collect: After receiving the elevations, I asked as many questions as I could within reason to ensure there was low margin of error when it came to implementing designs—understanding scale to measurement, file formats preferred, and logistics for delivery. Then, according to the number of walls and assets needed to print on, I gathered the adequate amount of sports imagery—taking care to repurpose any artwork that was already made.
Choose: I planned out which artwork made sense for each surface, and reconfigured images where needed. It often helps to do this in a low-fidelity medium to be more speedy, so I sketched out the larger walls that would require the most time.
Create: I got to work mocking up the biggest surfaces according to the elevation spec, and delegated some of the additional assets needed to the GS visual team.
Commit: Before delivering all assets, I think an important step is to get the blessing from team leads and/or stakeholders. In this case I worked directly with the Head of Visual Design and Marketing leads in the UK, jumping on an early morning call to accommodate for different time zones. With everyone’s green light, I knew we had the best product according to this scope possible!


Large format graphics for interior & exterior of 2-story structure
Additional FOH structures
Logo signage
Sales handouts

The recap

ICE London 2018 hosted a global audience of over 33,000 attendees. While I could have pushed back on this aggressive timeline, the impact on the brand resonance and recognition this opportunity presented was undeniable. Overall, it helps to deliver amazing results when you’ve got a great team to work with and lend a hand!




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