Ezra's Top Pick for Blogging and Content Writing? That's Me.

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About this service


Should you turn your blog into a conversion machine with SEO-optimized content that makes your audience binge-read and get in Google's good books?

That was, of course, a rhetorical question.

Did you know that 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results? For all the effort you put into creating content, if it's not ranking, it might as well be invisible. In fact, over 50% of all organic clicks go to the top 3 results.

So what happens when you hire a content writer who combines SEO expertise with riveting storytelling, copywriting and marketing smarts to create articles that both search engines and humans love?

It means that even if you can't crack the top 3 because Amazon and other A-listers are squatting all over that precious virtual real estate, your conversions from organic traffic will increase.

I'm not going to promise you great SERPs. What I do promise is great articles that do some serious heavy lifting to help your business to grow.

Since 2006, my writing has delivered $13M+ in ROI for clients ranging from scrappy startups to industry giants like eBay and Samsung. With over 4,700 happy clients singing my praises, I've worked in every industry you can name.

My articles are designed to resonate and put up a good fight to rank. They guide your readers through the customer journey, flipping the switch in their minds from casual browser to engaged lead to loyal customer.

Hire me as a writer, and you get a full-service content strategist with some a seriously useful skilllset:

  • I research your target market, business, and specific topics
  • I find the best keywords and entities for your articles
  • I identify conversion opportunities within your content
  • I create content that perfectly answers user intent
  • I optimize for SEO with meta descriptions, schema markup, and internal linking
  • I can provide single articles or comprehensive topical authority packs
  • I can even build you a 100% automated content machine using tools like Zapier!

Whether you need a single article or a full-blown content strategy, my goal is to deliver articles convert organic traffic into leads while signaling to search engines that your website is a top-tier resource.

Ready to dominate your niche with content that works as hard as you do?

P.S. Remember, every day without optimized content is a day of lost rankings, traffic, and conversions. Lock me in today to start climbing those SERPs!


1. Discovery and Strategy

  • We'll dive deep into your goals, audience, and competition.
  • I'll ask more questions than a toddler who's just learned the word "why."

2. Keyword and User Intent Research

  • I'll uncover the keywords your audience is actually using.
  • I'll find the most relevant entities to use in your article schema.
  • We'll map out content that matches user intent at every stage.

3. Content Creation and Optimization

  • I'll craft engaging, SEO-optimized content.
  • Each piece will be researched, written, and polished.

4. Revisions and Finalization

  • You'll get one round of revisions to ensure the content hits the mark.

5. Final Delivery and Support

  • You'll receive content ready-to-publish, complete with meta descriptions and title tags.


  • Can you match our brand voice?

    Absolutely! All I need are your brand guidelines. If you don't have any, then I'll work with you to define the most appropriate voice for your article(s).

  • How long does it take you to write content?

    The writing is just a part of the process - I do a lot of background research to make sure the writing is highly-targeted and optimized. Delivery times vary depending on the length of the article and its complexity.

  • Can you help with our content strategy?

    Yes, of course. I can analyze your current content (and strategy) to see where there might be issues and build out a new plan that is focused on helping you to achieve your goals. And then I can write it!

What's included

  • Optimized with SEO for Google and Readers

    Keywords? Check. But where most writers might call it a day after sprinkling a few keywords over their work, I make sure your article is optimized to answer search intent. That's all Google - and your readers - want. An article that answers the damn question! But that's not all. You also get schema!

  • Optimized for Conversion

    No matter where your organic traffic is on their journey, you can always convert them into taking some sort of action. I'll work with you to find the best way to turn more of your traffic into actual leads - and then make sure my article pushes people that way.

  • Meta Titles Descriptions

    It's easy to overlook these and let Google decide what to display, but your meta title and description are vital for standing out in search results. I optimize these with your keyword and use my copywriting skills to get clicks.

  • A Round of Revision

    It's rare that my clients ask for revisions, but I include a round of revisions with every job. I want to make you and your readers happy, so if something's not quite there, I want to hear about it so I can fix it!

  • [OPTIONAL] Topical Authority Pack

    If you want to boost your EEAT, you need topical authority - which means you need a whole bunch of articles on the same topic demonstrating that you're an expert at your subject. I'll build out a whole set of articles with a pillar page to give you the topical authority you crave.

  • [OPTIONAL] Internal Linking Juice

    I'll take care of your orphan pages and build a spider-web of interlinked knowledge by connecting related articles to each other. Internal linking helps you to get more clicks, which helps Google to realize that you're the kind of site it likes. It's not writing, but I have the tools to make this happen.

  • [OPTIONAL] Post to WordPress

    Save yourself the hassle of scheduling and posting content by adding me to your WordPress as an author - I'll take care of the images, setting up your schema, and final optimization for Rank Math or Yoast.

Skills and tools

Content Writer
Article Writer
Blog Writer
Google Docs
Microsoft Word



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