Put Your Business On Autopilot And Crush Your Sales Goals

Automated News Content Generator | Make | DFY Content Research
Automated News Content Generator | Make | DFY Content Research

Want to automate news creation with AI? This flow create text, images, and VO stored in a Google Sheet, making it ideal for newsletters and even faceless video.

Automation Engineer

GMB AI Automation | Pabbly Connect | 📈SEO,  Save Time,  Engage
GMB AI Automation | Pabbly Connect | 📈SEO, Save Time, Engage

This automation enhances SEO and user engagement by efficiently streamlining GMB updates, significantly saving time and boosting online visibility.

Marketing Strategist
Automation Engineer
SEO Content Manager
Google Sheets

Automated Lead Nurture System | Zapier | Follow Up In A Snap
Automated Lead Nurture System | Zapier | Follow Up In A Snap

This automated lead nurture system saves hours per lead by using quiz-based responses for personalized follow-ups, enhancing efficiency and engagement.

Digital Marketer
Email Marketer
Automation Engineer
Google Slides

Smart PDF Parser | Make | Transform PDFs Into Usable Data (AI)
Smart PDF Parser | Make | Transform PDFs Into Usable Data (AI)

This AI-powered automation extracts structured data from PDFs, saving time and reducing errors. Adaptable and ideal for high-volume business PDF processing.

Automation Engineer
Data Engineer
AI Developer
Google Sheets

Custom GPT Lead Magnet | Make | Creates Personalized Content
Custom GPT Lead Magnet | Make | Creates Personalized Content

This custom GPT lead magnet automates lead generation, using AI to ask questions, categorize responses, and send personalized follow-ups, boosting conversions.

Automation Engineer
AI Copywriter
AI Developer
Google Sheets

Automated Client Onboarding System | Make | Saves ~1 Hour/Client
Automated Client Onboarding System | Make | Saves ~1 Hour/Client

This flexible Trello automation streamlines client onboarding, saving around an hour per client while reducing the errors associated with manual data entry.

Automation Engineer
Operations Manager
business process automation

ClickFunnels | Keto Diet Info Product | 110% Increase In Spend
ClickFunnels | Keto Diet Info Product | 110% Increase In Spend

A German copywriter requested a localization of the sales funnel for his keto diet information product. His own efforts were failing; mine tripled revenues.

upsell page
sales copywriting
Microsoft Word

Compoundly | FinTech VSL | Exposed Hidden Fees Trigger Investor
Compoundly | FinTech VSL | Exposed Hidden Fees Trigger Investor

Compoundly requested a VSL that demystified the jargon around hidden fees with a compelling pitch that highlighted their solution to save threatened nest eggs.

Script Writer
Microsoft Word

Lead Magnet eBook | BoilerGuide.co.uk | Enhanced Lead Generation
Lead Magnet eBook | BoilerGuide.co.uk | Enhanced Lead Generation

BoilerGuide.co.uk hired me to write an in-depth but easy-to-read lead magnet explaining boiler types to enhancing lead generation.

Lead Generator
Article Writer

Sales Page | Personal Finance eBook | 5.7% Conversion Increase
Sales Page | Personal Finance eBook | 5.7% Conversion Increase

Asked to revive an underperforming sales page in the LOA niche, I replaced outdated "get rich quick" tactics with authentic, relatable writing for Gen Z.

Microsoft Word

Blog Writing | Strandatory | Humorous Writing | 2.6% Conversion
Blog Writing | Strandatory | Humorous Writing | 2.6% Conversion

The challenge? To make a blog about dry shampoo entertaining and engaging: enter the ten commandments to avoid a messy and flaky hairdon't.

Article Writer
Blog Writer
SEO Writer
Microsoft Word

Press Release | Harvard | Published on ABC, CBS, Fox News, & NBC
Press Release | Harvard | Published on ABC, CBS, Fox News, & NBC

Harvard commissioned me to write and distribute a press release highlighting a study on the impact of parental warmth on people's wellbeing in mid-life.

Microsoft Word