How About a 3,500% ROI on Hyper-Personalized Automated Emails?

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People love to bang on about how "the money is in the list." and you know what? They're absolutely right.

Email marketing generates a mind-blowing $36 for every $1 spent. That's a 3,500% ROI, making it the most profitable digital marketing channel by a landslide.

Why? People prefer getting promotions in their inbox, especially from companies they already do business with That are offering exclusive deals and discounts.

So... 🤔 what happens when you combine the raw power of email marketing with AI-driven personalization and human creativity that makes your subscribers feel like you're reading their minds?

Why, you make it rain, of course.

I'm Emma, and my automated email sequences slide into your subscribers' inboxes like a welcome guest, flipping their mindset from "Christ, another email?" to "I can't wait to see what they've sent me!"

Ready to make your email list your most profitable asset?

P.S. Remember, every day without optimized email automation is a day of lost connections and missed sales opportunities. Lock me in today to start seeing results faster than you can hit "send."


1. Initial Consultation

  • We'll discuss your email marketing goals, target audience, and brand voice.
  • I'll explain the brains behind AI-assisted personalization and how we can make it work for you.

2. Strategy Development

  • Based on our chat, I'll craft a custom email marketing strategy that aligns with your business objectives.
  • We'll decide on the perfect blend of human-written and AI-generated content for your audience.

3. CRM and Automation Setup

  • I'll set up Make (or Zapier, though Make is strongly recommended!) workflows to connect your CRM with our chosen email marketing platform.
  • We'll create segments and triggers that make your emails smarter than the average bear.

4. Content Creation

Depending on your preference, I'll either:

  • Write email copy myself, infusing it with your brand voice and NLP techniques with placeholders for limited AI personalization.
  • Develop custom AI prompts to generate 100% AI-generated ,personalized content.
  • Create a hybrid approach, blending human creativity with AI assistance.

5. AI Integration and Prompt Engineering

  • I'll integrate AI tools for your email personalization.
  • Custom prompts will be engineered to ensure AI-generated content sounds authentically "you" and avoids the "top-notch" snoozefest.

6. Testing and Optimization

  • We'll A/B test subject lines, content, and send times to maximize open rates and engagement.
  • Continuous optimization based on analytics and subscriber behavior.

7. Training and Handover

  • I'll train you or your team on managing the system and interpreting results.
  • Documentation provided.


  • What's the difference between your human-written and AI-generated emails?

    Human-written emails are, well, written by me with a creative approach focused on your brand voice and connecting with customers, perfect for key campaigns. AI-generated emails use custom prompts to create highly personalized content at scale. The hybrid approach combines the best of both worlds. What's best for you depends on your goals.

  • Can you work with my existing CRM and email tools?

    Absolutely! I'm an app polyglot with a very messy tech stack. Whether you're using HubSpot, Mailchimp, or carrier pigeons (okay, maybe not that last one), I can make it work.

  • How personalized can these emails really get

    With our AI-assisted approach, we can personalize based on subscriber behavior, purchase history, engagement level, and more. However, this does depend on how much information you already have on your customers. If you have none or very little, then, obviously, opportunities for personalization will be limited - but there are still a few tricks we can try!

  • Will my AI-written emails sound robotic?

    Not unless you're specifically marketing to robots! My AI prompts are designed to capture your brand voice, whether that's sassy, professional, or somewhere in between. My goal is to engage.

  • What are your rates?

    Pricing depends on the complexity of your setup and ongoing needs. Let's chat about your specific requirements and I'll provide a custom quote built around your needs.

  • Can you just write the emails without all the other stuff?

    Sure, I've been writing since 2006 so this is my bread and butter. Not everything needs to be automated, and sometimes it's good just to go back to basics. I can help with email blasts, email sequences, newsletters, the works. Just let me know what you're after!

What's included

  • Custom Email Marketing Strategy

    Get a customized email marketing strategy built around your business goals and audience needs. Newsletters, email sequences, email blasts - everything you need to maximize your ROI.

  • CRM and Automation Setup for More Options

    Email is just a small part of your overall content strategy. I'll hook your emails up with your CRM for powerful Make (Integromat) workflows that enable personalization even within pre-written email copy! And guess what - this opens up a whole new world of data-tracking!

  • AI-Driven Personalization That Doesn't Suck

    Whether you're looking for 100% AI, 100% human or a hybrid writing style, my automations can use Make to add personalization at the individual level that makes each subscriber feel like your only subscriber.

  • Written by a Copywriter Who Has Delivered $13M+ in ROI

    Skip the "top-notch" content with my NLP copywriting. In this system, I create templates with placeholders that allow for personalization. These templates are unique to your project, adding a new level of personalization that simply isn't achievable without tools like ChatGPT and Make.

  • [OPTIONAL] A/B Testing and Optimization

    Good enough is never good enough when you can track your emails and tweak their performance with detailed reports and careful A/B testing. It's simple: I refine until your emails are performing like Olympic athletes.

  • Training and Documentation

    The final delivery comes with full documentation on how to use your new system for best results - and I can also train you or a team member if required. If you'd rather leave the maintenance to me, that's also possible!

  • And Much, Much, More

    There is only so much I an cover here! I can assist with newsletter content creation and curation - and automate that - as well as improve your re-engagement rates. Looking to integrate your email more closely with other marketing channels? Yep. Shoot over a message to find out how I can help you.

Skills and tools

Email Marketer
Automation Engineer
Email Newsletter Writer



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