Leading Change

Milton Flournoy


Business Development Specialist

Microsoft Office 365

A 2-hour leadership development training focused on providing leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and implement successful change management initiatives.

Performance Objectives:

At the completion of training, the trainee will be able to:
Understand Change management
Identify elements of change management, change roller coaster, and cultural change
Describe the value of change management, define the term change management
Demonstrate how the change roller coaster mirrors the grief cycle and explains the difference
Explain how the change roller coaster applies to what staff feel during a change initiative
Understand the leader's role in a change initiative
Discuss the three keys to successful change management leadership
Develop an approach to change leadership using the three key's to successful
Identify practical tools to help navigate change
Describe the value of the three tools for change management implementation; Kotter's eight steps, PROSCI ADKAR, and GE CAPS, explain the difference between them
Demonstrate when it is appropriate to use one tool over the other
Prior Knowledge
None required
Evaluation Measures:
How relevant are the concrete objectives of the change management session to reaching the overall aim?
To what extent is the overall aim of the training still pertinent to your individual development?
How could the overall learning goal and the performance objectives of the training be adapted to have maximum relevance in ensuring that managers and supervisors can fulfill their role in change management initiatives?
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A 2-hour training providing the trainee with the knowledge and skills required to navigate and lead change management initiatives.






Business Development Specialist

Microsoft Office 365

Milton Flournoy

Lean Leadership Initiative

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