HSX.com, Hollywood Stock Exchange, is a website that allows users to trade digital stocks of movies, actors, and directors and make money. The website uses a market-based approach to predict the success of movies. The success of a movie is determined by how much money it earns at the box office during its first four weeks of release. Before the movie is released, users can buy and sell digital shares of the movie, which reflects their belief in its potential success. If the movie performs well, the value of the digital shares can go up, and if it performs poorly, the value goes down. In other words, users can buy and sell digital shares of movies before they are released, and the price of the shares is based on predictions of the movie's box office performance. HSX.com also collects data on movie-related news and events to inform their predictions. Moreover, the website also has a prediction algorithm that takes into account factors such as the movie's genre, cast, release date, and marketing budget to make predictions about its box office performance.