Innovative Collective Dynamics Transformation

Mylaine Mordret

Project Manager
Business Consultant
Microsoft Office 365


The client, a leader in the technology and video games industry, was looking for innovative solutions to adapt to the dynamics of remote and in-office work seamlessly. Since the Covid-19 crisis and the return to face-to-face working, they have been able to adapt their hybrid form of working, but are finding it difficult to regain a creative collective dynamic.

The challenge was multifaceted: to recreate a collective dynamic for innovative ideation and improve collaboration between team members in a hybrid work environment. This poses the following problem: How to foster collective creative dynamics in the context of hybrid work?

The main objective was to propose managerial innovation ideas to help recreate this collective dynamic to stimulate collective innovative ideas.

Problematic of the client
Problematic of the client
Summary of the context of the client
Summary of the context of the client

The Process

Adopting a holistic approach, my colleagues and I first engaged with management teams through targeted questioning, placing the challenges they faced in socio-, geo-political, and managerial contexts.

Then, we spoke to several employees to understand their creative and collaborative processes. Simultaneously, academic research was carried out to explore ways of encouraging collective creative dynamics in hybrid work.

All this research and information gathered enabled me to propose solutions adapted to the context of my client and business unit, which are also supported by scientific work in innovation and creativity.

In this way, we have highlighted the factors that influence collective creative dynamics, both positively and negatively. Finally, we put forward our recommendations for implementation.

The solution

To enhance collective dynamics and infuse innovation and creativity throughout the entire process, a multi-faceted approach was undertaken. The transformation began with redefining the management style, experimenting with new work practices in an open and psychologically safe communication climate. This allowed team members to collectively test, adapt, and evaluate alternative work processes tailored to their needs and preferences.

Given the client's strong individual creativity, the missing link was effective peer communication to foster individual ideas collaboratively. To address this, an improvement in the overall climate was proposed, creating an environment conducive to creativity and collaboration. A hackathon was suggested, providing not only positive internal competition but also dedicated time for creative work, enhancing team dynamics around a theme chosen by the company. Additionally, implementing Icebreaker activities for new team members became essential, ensuring inclusivity in a remote work scenario where physical office visits were challenging.

Furthermore, introducing innovative processes in brainstorming was deemed crucial to avoid repetition that might stifle creativity.

This transformation also involved enhancing technologies for creative processes to facilitate hybrid work. Leveraging the client's existing high-quality information system and tools, specialized in the design and launch of video games, immersive tools were integrated to foster collaboration.

Lastly, we offer a questionnaire for the HR department designed to assess the real-time impact of the implemented recommendations. This extended diagnostic approach is a valuable tool for gauging the evolving dynamics within the organization.

These solutions aim to create an environment conducive to creativity, strengthen team collaboration, and facilitate hybrid work. The combination of managerial innovations, optimized technologies, and ongoing assessment ensures a positive and lasting transformation in the context of hybrid work.​

Summary of the recommendations
Summary of the recommendations

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