xBook - engaging book sharing experience

Ira Mendelson


UX Researcher

Product Designer

UI Designer


As a book lover, I noticed how many of them collect dust

At the same time, I doubt myself when buying another paper book, primarily because of the cost, partly because of the delivery time. This sparked the question - how can people easily share their books?
First, we need to understand - "How is this problem being solved today?" To answer this complex question, I conducted extend UX research, including:
Market research:
Photo from ""
Photo from ""
2. Competitor analysis
Direct competitors. After analyzing users feedback from 20+ mobile apps of, I find out that main issues are:
Indirect Competitors. From various mobile apps that are related to sharing books or reading experiences, I discovered that:
3. Defining use cases and user pains:
So after going over 500+ reviews, I defined 2 use cases (which can be shared by 1 person) and main stoppers for those who wants to share and/or to find the book, such as:
4. Creating Informational Architecture (IA)
I builded an app informational architecture where I listed all screens and features in a way where both use cases (“to share” and “to borrow”) will be easy to access.

Visual Language

UX Solutions

Final App

During this project I learned how to:

choose and apply UX patterns to make the interface look intuitive and meet user expectations
not try to cover everything, but focus on a small piece (like a single flow or use case) and finalize it
communicate ideas and build a teamwork with other designers from my group, learn from their approaches.
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Posted Oct 20, 2023

The design of a captivating mobile app for book sharing, driven by UX insights and cognitive psychology principles, breathing new life into dusty books.






UX Researcher

Product Designer

UI Designer


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