Project: Audience and ICP Analysis

Jasmine-Jade .

SEO Writer

For this project, I helped my client, a B2C online grocery store, create buyer personas and an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Here's what went into my research:

1. Strategy Calls

I got on a call with my client and listened to their brand story and marketing goals. There were also transcribed interviews with current customers where pitfalls and commendations were shared. I gathered all this information for my ICP segmentation.

2. USP Definition

The client was trying to target a DTC and B2B audience with their messaging. I simplified their USP to focus on the DTC audience, for starters.

3. Current Audience Audit

I conducted an audit to pinpoint the target audience's communication preferences and pain points. I then assessed their current solutions, purchasing power, and key buying triggers and envisioned their ideal solution (or dream state).

3. Competitor Research

I researched their top ten direct, indirect and tertiary competitors and highlighted their individual USPs, active social media and product distribution channels. I found a lot of similarities and differences, and I shared this with my client.

4. ICP Segmentation

Based on the data gathered from the support and strategy calls and the brand strategy guide that was shared with me, I segmented the target audience by psychographics and technographics (Needs/Interests, Behaviours and Preferred Platforms). I also used data from social media and forum research and insights from SparkToro, an audience research tool. I then created three buyer personas that addressed buyer challenges and goals.

ICP Segmentation
ICP Segmentation

5. Customer Journey Mapping

I illustrated the buyer path from initial awareness to post-purchase engagements. The following touchpoints were analysed:

Organic traffic

Paid marketing

Mobile app

Email campaigns

Customer support interactions

Review and feedback channels

6. Positioning Statement

As a final step, I wrote a positioning statement for the brand, clearly defining the target audience, the products offered, the unique value proposition, and the problems they solve. Here's my positioning template. Use it for your brand.

What does your brand do?

[Audience] wants [Products/Services/Expertise].

So they currently [Current Solution].

This leads to [Current Problem].

[Your brand] solves this by [Benefits] + [Unique Values] Now, put it all together in a statement like this: (Your brand) serves (audience) by providing (products, services or expertise). We are unique because we (unique values) so they can (benefits).

"It is the most detailed ICP I have ever seen."

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