Rolls Royce Marine: Energy management portal

Ameer Hamza Qureshi

Product Designer
Design Systems
UI Designer
An off-shore support & monitoring room
An off-shore support & monitoring room

MY ROLE: UI Designer

TEAM: UX Designer, Front-end Engineers & Product Management

CLIENT: Rolls Royce Marine

ABOUT: Rolls Royce Marine provided a premium online fleet monitoring portal for fleet owners, to track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) for their vessels.

THE CHALLENGE: The portal was outdated and did not reflect the Rolls Royce brand. The task was to design a visual language that inspired confidence and pride in RRM and its customers, making the portal feel bespoke and best-in-class.

REMARKS: The project involved countless iterations in close collaboration with RRM engineers and product managers. The final design was so well received that RRM implemented it across their suite of tools and applications. After RRM was acquired by Kongsberg, elements of my design system continued to influence their systems and tools.

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