Yamaha - Spec Copy

Stowe G


Brand Designer

Copy Editor


Overview 🔎

This project re-imagines the copy for Yamaha's CS Reface Synthesizer, through memorable taglines and direct communication.

Goal 🤝

Currently, the existing promotional material lacks any personality and it's far too focused on technical info (i.e. it's boring). This project aims to use memorable taglines that grab the reader’s attention and sell it as an easy-to-use product.
Using a simple and confident tone of voice, it conveys Yamaha's core messaging of discovery, joy and beauty. And best of all, it really makes you think "Finally, a synth that isn't going to make me want to pull my eyes out with a 1000-page manual".

Copy ✨

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Posted Feb 28, 2024

This project reimagines the web page for YAMAHA’s CS Reface synthesizer, through memorable taglines that grab the reader’s attention and sell the core messages.






Brand Designer

Copy Editor


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