Vrisa - Cult forming UX Studio

Deepak Pandey

UX Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer
The Vrisa Studios - Cult forming UX Studio
Website Presentation
Website Presentation
After 8 long years of working with multi-million businesses, seen startups scaling and succeed and leaving my last leading position at one of world's biggest eCom, i have embarked on my own journey and have founded - The Vrisa Studios. My experience and honed skillset after being a part of 100+ products, have given me the expertise of not just my craft but additional soft skills which makes or breaks a business.
Our unique approach of not working as a design agency but a long term dedicated partner on retainer model, makes us stand out from the crowd.
Once partnered, a cloud based dedicated team of UX Researchers, UX Designers and Developers would work only on your business, not just making digital products but also solving conversion rate through clever UX Solutions.
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