Sniffys - sleep peacefully, perform better.

Deepak Pandey

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer
Sniffys are a new age nasal strips that improves airflow, reduce snoring, boosts focus and performance. The founders of Sniffys are very well known Influencers from Germany with more than a couple of million followers each. They have came up with a very nice product which not only helps in airflow, reduce snoring, boosts focus and performance but also look kinda cool when in use. They came with a simple requirement of showing Sniffys as a product in action to quickly educate the website visitors how how to use it. The medium we used to convey this is thoughtfully made ultra realistic 3d model and then animate it fluidly to show the easiness of the product.
We did tried this using many new stream tools like Spline but after many tests, we did not feel satisfactory. Thus we had to stick to the basics and used heavy duty 3d software such as Blender to bring out the needed professionalism. We thoughtfully designed the interface with Modern UI and Interactions to go well with not just the product but Sniffys as a brand itself.
We hope you like the website's modernism combined with effective use of 3d elements and animations. At the end, this project is successfully delivered with a bright eyes and big smile on the founder's faces.
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Regards, Deepak Pandey and team Vrisa
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