social media strategy for Hope A Thon '22 | non-profit campaign

Maia Anderson


Social Media Manager

Content Creator

Social Media Strategist




Helped lead social media marketing for the "Hope A Thon" 2022 Giving Tuesday campaign that raised $97,530 (goal was $50,000) in 44 days.
Hope Booth is a 3-minute Interactive Immersive Experience that delivers artistic messages of hope in the form of remodeled phone booths, strategically placed throughout our cities, globally.
As the social media director for the non-profit organization, I was tasked with ideating the marketing strategy for their “Hope-A-Thon” campaign. In collaboration with the CEO, Gloria Umanah, & copywriter, Ronda, we ideated a social media campaign that focused on engaging the established 2.5k Instagram followers.

"Let’s raise $50,000 in 12 hours to fund the permanent installations of Hope Booths all around the world.”

Now elaborate on what the goal was in-depth & explain how this goal was connected to their business goals (short/long term)
For Giving Tuesday of 2022 (November 28) Hope Booth launched a crowdfunding campaign centered around a 12-hour telethon. The goal was to raise $50,000 by the end of the telethon. The marketing strategy utilized for this campaign :
organically promoting with HQ branded graphics
leveraging the influence of the Hope A Thon guests through collabs
utilizing the influence of the CEO’s audience (27.7K) for collabs.
The goal with socials was to drive traffic to the website which would enable people to give to the crowdfunding campaign. A secondary goal was to increase our brand awareness/reach through the success of this campaign. Here’s how it went

Content Strategy

The drafted content ideation space in Notion I came up with to start the strategy. Organized with the purpose for the post, inspiration to recreate, etc.
The drafted content ideation space in Notion I came up with to start the strategy. Organized with the purpose for the post, inspiration to recreate, etc.
Overall social media goal
Instagram was the primary social channel & each post was reposted on Facebook
For the campaign, I felt it was best to prioritize videos that evoke strong emotions since Instagram is focused on pushing reels. It was equally important to educate the audience on how they could participate through carousels. lastly, we had guests a part of the telethon send in videos explaining “what hope means to me” & we collaborated on them to increase our reach.

Metrics to Measure

Website Taps, Reach, & Shares


Feed Aesthetic created

View post on Instagram
Gloria, the Visionary for Hope Booth, had a clear concept for the creative direction of Hope A Thon. She wanted the branding to “pop” & stand out from our normal branding yet still blend in cohesively. Ariadna Garcia was the graphic designer who provided the creative graphics for the carousels, branding (logo, fonts, design) & reel covers. Last but not least, Ronda Taylor brought our content's copy to life.


Insights after Strategy was Implemented

Our goal was to increase brand awareness & increase clicks to the website to raise $50,000. Here are the results:
Improved website taps by 137% from clear CTA in captions, stories & content graphics
Grew community by 7% organically
Increased organic reach to the channel by 79% & engagement by 83% by positing educational & branded campaign content
We raised $19,595 in the 12-hour campaign
We extended the campaign until December 31, 2022, & raised a total of $97,530 (195% of the goal 🤯)


Setting such a big goal for our 12-hour Telethon was scary & having to lead in marketing for this organically (with a small team of volunteers) was challenging however we managed to supersede & practically double the goal. I am thankful for the team of 4 with who I got to collaborate to successfully increase our brand’s reach & website clicks. If I had to do the project again, we’d promote it in the pre-launch phase longer. Additionally, we’d educate the audience on “What is Giving Tuesday?” better!
This case study highlights the importance of organic social media campaigns for fundraising efforts. Our success in this project shows that it is possible to make a big impact with a small audience and limited time.
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An Instagram marketing campaign for the "Hope A Thon" 2022 Giving Tuesday campaign that raised $97,530 (goal was $50,000) in 44 days.






Hope Booth


Social Media Manager

Content Creator

Social Media Strategist




Maia Anderson

The "Social Media Therapist"

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