social media strategy & management for homecoming event

Maia Anderson


During my time as a student in college, I was part of a club, Bridging The Gap Urban Ministries (BTGUM). I was an active member of this organization from the Fall of 2017 until the Spring of 2020. During my time as a member, I stepped into a team leader role: Head of PR/Social Media Marketing. I crafted the social media strategy for event campaigns & acted as social media manager.
In stepping into that role, I created a new Instagram, Facebook & Twitter account for the organization in January/February of 2018. We posted gently but the purpose of the socials was heavily focused on awareness of the events we organized year-round.

Campaign Strategy for 2019 Homecoming

“Lets sell out the tickets for our HOCO events in order to raise money for our annual missions trip & to gain new members to the organization”

Content Strategy

Pre Launch
One week Instagram & Facebook launch campaign to announce events
Use previous HOCO graphics to promote the 2nd annual events & have current members (20+) promote on Instagram stories
Use photos of the special guests who will be participating in the events to promote the event (have guests share on their Instagram to increase awareness of the event)
Post Launch
post-BTS videos of the event on Instagram stories
post videos/time-lapses of the audience turn out to make people who did not show up understand we sold out & they missed out
create a FOMO culture around events

Metrics to Measure



Content Creation Deliverables:

All the posts for this campaign (pre, launch & post)
All the posts for this campaign (pre, launch & post)

Content on Socials

Links to the graphics I created in Canva for the HOCO events. Graphics are repurposed from the previous HOCO 2018 Campaign.
View post on Instagram
View post on Instagram
View post on Instagram


Videographer & Photographer, Maurice Victor, helped shoot a promo video as well as take videos & photos for the event.
View post on Instagram
View post on Instagram

Recap/Post Campaign Posts

I recorded & organized both of these posts.
View post on Instagram
View post on Instagram


At the time I was doing this project I had no budget or anything to gain from it. I was just serving the organization I was a part of with a skillset I was "pretty good at" & had experience in --> content strategy & social media strategy/management.
Looking back, I now understand the value I was able to give or what I can "sow" like a seed. I am so thankful to BTG for allowing me the creative freedom to build the skillset I now have as a passion profession with.
I also am thankful for the social media team that helped support this strategy, Alexis Maye, Jasmyn McLean & Lacroy Nixon.
If you are someone currently in need of a campaign strategy for social media specifically focused on (but not limited to) Instagram I'd be more than happy to see if I'm a good fit!
You can submit a inquiry for this by going to my "Services" page & clicking the "Work with me" tab! See ya next time 👋🏾
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Posted Apr 14, 2022

A social media campaign for homecoming events with BTGUM (university club) in 2019 // Content creator, social media strategist, community manager

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