The client runs an SEO-focused travel website that produces articles on a wide range of topics relating to the travel industry. The audience is primarily U.S. based and the requirement was to create both niche (e.g. '15 Beautiful Lakes near Flagstaff, Arizona'), and viral-type articles ('Don't Do These 5 Things When Visiting Europe'). The primary aim was to land the articles on the front page of and use backlinks to drive traffic to the client's website.
The process:
Each article required research on several levels. First was to decide what is currently performing well on and how that kind of content can be translated to the client's tone of voice and brand. Further research into the topic would take place through articles, journals, and .org websites to ensure the articles were both engaging and informative.
Using software tools including Frase, Wordpress, and Chat GPT 4.0 (clients request to use), the articles would typically be produced within 1-2 hours.
Each article would include carefully placed backlinks to push readers back to the client's website to boost ad revenue. Due to's backlink policy, these were placed strategically in order to avoid any penalising.
The outcome:
Over 150 articles written over a period of three months.
Many of which were placed on the front page of and resulted in viral level engagement from the readers.
Increased website traffic and ad revenue from bump in new visitors (numbers not currently shared by the client).