Artishow: A creative collaboration

Carlota de Figueiroa-Rego

UX Researcher
UX Designer
UI Designer
Microsoft Teams

Artishow final product preview


  • Deadline: nearly two weeks
  • Goal: Reimagining Exhibition widgets
  • Requirements: Mobile and desktop versions


Artishow is an online art marketplace that offers a unique service which, in turn, distinguishes them from their competitors. They allow artists to connect with venues and exhibit their art physically.

Exhibition widgets on a artwork page on Artishow
Exhibition Widget on a venue page

After researching thoroughly with artists and curators I noted their frustrations and feedback. As a result I took these pages into another direction, more aligned with their view.

Mid-fidelity versions for the Artwork page

Design tests for the high fidelities

Final Results

Desktop final versions
Mobile Final versions

For next steps and more information on this project you can read the full article on medium.

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