Wicked Solution for a Wicked Problem: Food Sustainability

Carlota de Figueiroa-Rego


Deadline: Approximately a week;
Main focus: User Research;
Challenge: Ideating solutions to a complex problem that is impossible to solve with one solution alone;
Goal: Finding two possible solutions (one physical and one digital) for this issue through research.

From research to solutions:

Methods employed

CSD Matrix;
Secondary research;
Interviews on local market food sellers and on buyers;
Affinity diagram;
Empathy maps;

Key Insights:

Sellers at the markets did not grow their own food, however they were as close as possible to the growth process of the food they sold;
They had a strict 24h sell circuit, which meant that after a day at the market all the food they didn't sell they would take home to preserve or distribute to relatives/friends;
Due to this they have a lot of insights on food sustainability and how to avoid waste, as well as a lot of tips for people to buy smarter and responsibly long term;
However, the sellers felt that people in general weren't interested in getting this knowledge;
Meanwhile the buyers were interested to know more on how to become more sustainable but didn't know where to start;
They were aware that supermarkets were unsustainable but they couldn't deny their convenience;
Consumers felt bad every time they wasted food, and wished they could do better;
Quote from one of the interviewees
Quote from one of the interviewees

Problem Statement:

"Problem statement" and "how might we"
"Problem statement" and "how might we"

Solutions and Implementations:

For our physical solution we decided to go with a community building idea. During concept testing, people suggested adding a few improvements such as:
Governmental Aid;
Food Bank partnerships;
Creating a Recipe book with other preservation tips every X sessions or per season.
Physical and digital marketing campaigns;
Storyboard for the community building
Storyboard for the community building
Our digital solution is a food waste management app that scans a desired food through a picture delivering a result comprised of:
Estimated expiration date;
Recipe Suggestions;
Create Reminders;
and extra Features: More Recipes; Storage Tips; and Contact our community (thus connecting both of our solutions).
App Storyboard for concept testing
App Storyboard for concept testing
The key points from our digital solutions:
The pragmatism of the app;
Global access (as it doesn’t have to be region locked);
The community building aspect;
A list for local markets near by where the users can shop and meet the people behind the app;
A list of compost sites to go to when the food you scan is no longer usable;
App low fidelity wireframes
App low fidelity wireframes
You can know more about this project in full article posted on medium!
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Posted Oct 27, 2023

A project centered on user research that consisted on idealizing solutions to an impossible problem.

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