A Thuma State of Mind - Thuma Spec Work

Marleena Garris

Script Writer
Social Content Designer
NYC Flagship Cafe Spec by Marleena Garris

OOH Spec Thuma by Marleena Garris
OOH Thuma Spec by Marleena Garris

OOH Thuma Spec by Marleena Garris


  • Need to drive traffic to Thuma's flagship NYC store among the competitive NYC outdoor ad market.
  • Drive traffic to Cafe as a brand-new Thuma item offering.
  • Effectively communicate Thuma's TOV and POV with messaging that echoes the simple, open style. The products speak for themselves.


To address the challenges, I crafted a series of ideas/graphics copy to go with the new store and echoed the tov and pov of Thuma to begin with. The proposed items // copy can be

  • Multi purpose for socials, email, web, video.
  • Interactive in pop up events and other cities (interchangeable).

Copy Analysis My copy for Thuma effectively captures the brand's essence of simplicity, sustainability, and quality craftsmanship. The simple and engaging tone makes the brand approachable and memorable, enhancing visibility and consumer engagement alongside consistent storytelling. These campaigns highlight product features and create a solid emotional connection with the audience, driving interest and loyalty towards Thuma.

Assembly so easy, it skips the dinner date. But who says you can't grab a bite?

  • The line emphasizes the simplicity and ease of Thuma's furniture assembly while bringing attention to the Cafe feature of the flagship.
  • The overall tone underscores the commitment to high-quality, easy-to-assemble furniture.
  • A core aspect of value proposition for Thuma: simplicity.

First is the fun. Second is the quest. Third is the one with the Thuma chest.

  • The line plays on the familiar rhyme scheme to create a memorable and catchy saying.
  • Adds a sense of adventure to the process of assembly and purchasing Thuma, with the ultimate reward being (Thuma).
  • Highlights Thuma's emphasis on enjoyment through simple quality. Choosing Thuma is a delightful experience due to the high-quality craftmanship of the products.

The City That Thuma Sleeps.

We're in a Thuma State of Mind.

  • The iconic line mixed with Thuma's "it" item links the two together in memory.
  • Suggestion that Thuma provides the comfort and quality needed for a good night sleep in a bustling city like NYC.
  • Strengthens Thuma's brand presence in NYC, emphasizing the expansion with possible application of this with other major cities.
  • Positions Thuma as a premium choice for urban furnishing.

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