Blue Blob | Content Writing | Client Work

Marleena Garris

Article Writer
Blog Writer
Google Docs
Microsoft Word

Brief 🧊

Create an engaging and compelling article on assigned subject: Glacial melting and cooling in specific regions of the world, highlighting its effects, breakdown, and addition of quotes + data from sources affiliated with the subject.

Write from the perspective and tone of Breakthrough and The Academic, with an authoritative tone that combined informative narration with keyword-driven data to produce the best possible breakdown of data assigned by client.

Research supplementary sources that compliment the research in the article, allowing for backlink usage and data gathering for future projects.


An article on how glacial melting is halted by an odd phenomenon.

Breakthrough and its partner publication, The Academic have an informative tone with a pinch of narrative material. The information is presented in a way where the reader is curious to know the origin and how other ideas may be connected, so with the assigned topics + partnership, I enjoyed taking an investigative approach to this unique blend of informative and investigative content writing.

Read about this icy venture below.


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