Interactive YuGiOh Trading Card Dashboard

Sarmad Cheema


Data Visualizer

Data Analyst

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Power BI

Power BI dashboard that provides an in-depth analysis of a personal Yu-Gi-Oh! card collection. By utilizing a custom-built Python script and the YGO API, the dashboard presents valuable insights into card characteristics, rarity, and market value for the client.
I began by creating a Python script to interface with the YGO API, utilizing unique print tags to fetch detailed information for each card in the collection.
This automated data acquisition process ensured a thorough and up-to-date dataset. Once the card information was collected, I downloaded it in CSV format and performed extensive data cleaning and structuring to prepare it for visualization.
The core of the project is an interactive Power BI dashboard that brings the card collection to life. Users can explore the data through various filters, sorting options, and dynamic graphs, offering multiple perspectives on the collection. The dashboard provides valuable insights into card distribution, rarity, edition, and market value, enabling users to gain a deep understanding of their collection's composition and potential worth. This comprehensive analysis tool empowers collectors and traders to make informed decisions about their Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.
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Posted Sep 26, 2024

Interactive PowerBI dashboard enabling my client to see price data of their card collection with in-depth filtration and drill-down capabilties.






Data Visualizer

Data Analyst

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Power BI

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