Long Miles Coffee Social Media Strategy + Management

Chloe Troub

Marketing Strategist
Project Manager
Social Media Manager
Adobe Illustrator

In the heart of East Africa, producing specialty coffee intertwines with holistic impact, driven by passion and a vision for a better world.

Long Miles Coffee is a 13 year effort in East Africa to bring equality, money and justice to coffee farmers while supplying the world with exceptional specialty coffee. Starting in Burundi, they've built 3 washing stations, employ 7,000 farmers and many more community members. They have operations in Uganda & Kenya as well. Visit their website here: https://www.longmilescoffeeproject.com/

Long Miles reached out to The Lev Co with the need of Social Media Management. We kicked off this project with Phase 1, a brand diagnostic where we get to know their brand to ensure success. Then, we move onto Phase 2 of a social media strategy:

  • Define mission, vision, values
  • Define tone & voice
  • Define the need; what does LMC need to be successful?

We delivered the following:

  • 5 content categories
  • 6 story highlight categories
  • Story highlight copy
  • Suggested platforms
  • Bio rewrite across all platforms
  • Competitor analysis
  • Optimal hashtag research
  • Suggested content calendar
  • Brand guide

Then, we moved on to implementing the strategy across their social media. As the Brand Strategist & Social Media Manager at The Lev Co, I manage their socials & adapt the strategy where it's necessary. I use monthly analytic reports to inform the following months social calendar.

We've successfully managed LMC's socials for over a year now, and are deepening our connection and work with them!

Working with a client for a year means changes or new campaigns come up often. During my time working with Long Miles, I've strategized campaigns for:

  • A Private Auction Collection showcasing green coffee from several hills. See the project here.
  • A social media campaign with a partner roaster that educated the public on the importance of relationship in coffee
  • A fundraiser for inputs for coffee farmers in Burundi
  • A fundraiser to support Long Miles & community members of Heza hill from a landslide that caused massive destruction of property

Check out their Instagram here. 

Example of Results:

  • Started a Linked In channel growing purely through organic content, gaining the attention of large accounts
  • Grew Instagram following through purely organic content, focusing on collaborations with bigger accounts
  • Attracted bidders for a Private Auction Collection from 5 countries
  • Sold all 15 lots above the minimum bid price
  • Increased average price per pound for $9.23 to $10.38
  • Achieved a record high purchase price of $18.10 per pound
Slide & graphics designed by The Lev Co's Creative Director, Maria Meade.

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