Email Subscriber Demographics Report

Sydney Sauer


Data Visualizer

Graphic Designer

Data Analyst


Microsoft Excel


Project Overview

A research lab looking to expand the reach of their scientific discoveries had a wonderful weekly newsletter, but they had one problem—they had no idea who subscribed to it! My job was to create a report detailing subscriber demographics, helping them understand who they were missing and how they could target future campaigns to increase subscribership.
Since this is an internal report, I have redacted the agency's name and selected only a few screenshots to demonstrate the types of analysis I was able to conduct.


Here are a few of the visualizations I created for the newsletter team. Their data was delivered to me as a raw CSV file exported from MailChimp, and I extracted every last bit of information to provide as much information as possible.
Geographic reach of the newsletter by state.
Geographic reach of the newsletter by state.
To simplify complex charts, I provide a description of the key takeaways and note any exceptions or data cleaning that may have impacted results:
New subscriber patterns by year and day of the week.
New subscriber patterns by year and day of the week.
Using text analysis in R, I created a word cloud of subscribers' job titles to help the newsletter team understand what types of people were subscribed:
Word cloud of subscriber job titles.
Word cloud of subscriber job titles.
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Posted Apr 24, 2024

A science lab wanted to understand who was subscribed to their weekly email newsletter. Here are four different ways I helped them visualize their reach.






Data Visualizer

Graphic Designer

Data Analyst


Microsoft Excel


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