Two wheel cargo e-bike

Thijs Kremers

Product Manager
Project Manager
Microsoft Excel
Front of the bike
Front of the bike
As a Design Engineer I was part of the team that was honoured to develop a new cargo e-bike for Batavus (and two other brands). We were able to build upon the experience of the whole development team of Babboe Cargo bikes.
During the project and how the project became more detailed i acted as a project engineer, managing the issuelist, contact with manufacturers and part of the engineering team during development. Together with the designer overlooking the complete pictures on looks and manufacturability with the preferred partners.
Rear end of the bike
Rear end of the bike
Overview of the cargo bike
Overview of the cargo bike
If you want to learn more about how I can help you in your next project. Check out my services. Hope to talk 'projects' with you soon.
Thanks for watching!


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