Open Feedback: Product Designer, Product Owner

Irina Zubareva


UX Engineer

Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist




Home Page Hero section

Project details:

Open Feedback is a collaborative database on information credibility.
The idea of this platform is to have a common database for the fact-checkers all ower the world which will synthesize data and represent it to the user in a simple and a visual way. We had a few focus groups, but first of all this platform is oriented on:
So for instance, if you have a claim to verify, thanks to open feedback you will be able to find this claim, read reviews from different factchecks on it, see the sources which quoted this claim in their publications and have an acces to the interaction statistics on each publication. You can also review each source page and have an acces to the detailed stats of this media.
Currently we presented this project to the European Commission in the context of a tender for the database for the Code of practice on disinformation and got our place in it's future development.


In three years of working with Sciverify on this platform:
I was creating user flows and journeys, wireframes, UI and a Design System followed by it's documentation. I was also actively involved in the concept creation for redesigns and new features, participating in user researches.
I also had some management responsabilities over our development and product teams. I participated in a roadmap creation aligned with our strategy and user priorities. Managing platform tests and collecting feedback to translate it into priorities and tickets.

UI Examples:

Search and Media pages
Editors Dashboard

Styles, Design system and documentation:

Pages of design system on the left side, styles on the right side
Pages of design system on the left side, styles on the right side
Spacing tokens
Spacing tokens


Example of a component: Card of the Appearance on the review page
Example of a component: Card of the Appearance on the review page


Design system documentation in Notion

PO and Management

User stories
Kanban table

Backend and data visualisations

Data flow diagram
Data flow diagram
Data flow schema
Data flow schema
Data model
Data model
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Posted Dec 5, 2023

Created product and managed tech team to successfully launch the platform, overseeing all aspects of design strategy, team collaboration, and project execution.






UX Engineer

Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist




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