100 Pregnancy Affirmations Article

Mariah Brown

Article Writer
Blog Writer
Google Drive
Excerpt from a 2.3k article I wrote for a client about postive pregnancy affirmations. * contra formatting has changed headings and the way some things appear.

100 positive pregnancy affirmations

Are you or someone you know pregnant or trying to become pregnant? This comprehensive list of positive affirmations will bring you back into a place of love and wholeness, as you experience the range of different physical, mental and spiritual changes associated with pregnancy.
Why use pregnancy affirmations?
Affirmations empower you throughout your entire pregnancy
Calm stress and anxiety when you feel overwhelmed or nervous.
Build the habit of always thinking positively.
Increase your confidence and uplift your mood.
When you feel your best, your baby is much healthier as a result.
Do pregnancy affirmations work?
Saying positive daily affirmations and mantras absolutely work. Science has finally caught up with the ancient gurus and thought leaders of the past. They have found that our brains can build new positive neurons until we are in our 80s, 90s, and beyond.
When you repeatedly say positive phrases to yourself, you're priming your mind to automatically be more optimistic. And who doesn't need a bit more of that in their lives? Having a backup of positive phrases, declarations and affirmations will help you to reframe any negativity you are dealing with, and alchemize it into something beautiful. In the end, every single inconvenience is worth it when you first gaze upon your precious baby.
How do you write affirmations to get pregnant?
Write your affirmations in the present or past tense. Your brain cannot tell the difference between a visualization and a real event. As you continue to say these affirmations, proof of this new reality will manifest for you.
Start your affirmations with phrases like, I am so happy and/or grateful now that ( I have, etc. ___ ).
Note that affirmations should always be stated in a positive frame. Instead of saying, I am not going to have a difficult pregnancy, you can try, my pregnancy is easy.
Take your affirmations up a notch by adding specific details about what you'd like to manifest.
Lastly, focus on using words that trigger positive emotions and bring you into a state of gratitude for the blessings that are to come.
10 manifesting pregnancy affirmations
As the conscious creator of your life, you have the power to manifest anything, including fostering new life into this world. Here are some of the best affirmations to manifest pregnancy.
I am fully ready, willing, and able to be a mother
Both my partner and I are very fertile.
My body has been preparing for this exact moment for many years.
My body is eager to become pregnant and does so with ease.


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