Femininity Blog

Mariah Brown

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Almost all women have had this experience ....
I have been working on this for some time now and only this year have I been making my confidence a top priority in my life. That's why this year I made a vow to invest heavily in myself, my health, my beauty, and my well-being. I realized how important having confidence is. In this journey to greater self-confidence, two things became apparent to me.
First, being comfortable around men is a learned skill that is very important for women. There is a collective wound when it comes to the divine feminine of this planet and it is being taken advantage of by men. Trauma does not just pertain to this life. I believe and know in fact that trauma is inherited in our DNA. This is because when we go through negative experiences, our brain will remember that more than a positive experience. We pass this down to our offspring to protect them from having a similar experience. This is evolution and it all has a reason. Unfortunately, this can leave scars on us.
My theory is that we inherit sexual trauma from past lives ancestors, or from seeing things in this life.Even if, in this life, you have not had an experience of being harmed by a man, most likely you have been affected by it. You know someone, who knows someone. Or you just hold that in your DNA. So basically this fear of men is deeply ingrained in us from all levels.
It makes us want to shrink down, and become invisible and not be noticed. This is why we feel safer most times in sweats and hoodies. A large coat, baggy clothes, and the very androgynous and borderline masculine clothing that is being pushed at us today. This is why you don't see a lot of women dress up when they leave the house. It could be because it's more effort, but it's also less safe in their eyes. To be feminine means to show your femininity, which could mean showing that you are a woman. All this leads to a very common thing, the fear of femininity. The fear of being seen. The perpetual cycle of women wanting to be small and blend in. I know I have had to push myself to be bolder and it's something I do every day. It's uncomfortable at first and every day I get a little better. 1% more confidence is the goal, like the book, atomic habits would say.


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