The Original Divine Feminine

Mariah Brown

Google Drive
This was research I did for a client who wanted more information on divine feminine energies.
Who is the original Divine Feminine?
The Divine feminine was created as a natural reflection of the duality. In proverbs 8:22 - 31, the story goes on to define the unnamed “me or I”. This is the wisdom of creation, so it is saying that, before anything was created, the thought or potential of it was already manifested.
This connects back with the divine feminine and masculine in a few ways. God created (hu) man in his image, and the natural effect of this creation had to be a woman, the DF. As the divine feminine is very spiritually attuned and creative, the act of creation itself is the divine feminine creating herself. God in the biblical sense is a man or divine masculine. However, In the spiritual sense, God is the source and infinite energy that manifests as all things. Therefore, this all-knowing energy rippled out and split into two equally powerful creative forces. Divine feminine and divine masculine energy.
Egypt Is the source
It is well known that Christianity is based on Egyptian principles and gods. The Virgin Mary is a reimagining of the goddess Isis, Jesus, is Horus, and God is Osiris. This is the original holy trinity. Therefore everything that explains these original teachings can be found in ancient Egypt, as it was the predecessor of all the pagan or Abrahamic-based religions. Thus, the original divine feminine can be traced back to Egypt as it is one of the oldest nations known to exist in present-day mankind.
There are two very integral parts of the original divine feminine. These are goddess Isis ( Aset) and goddess Hathor.
Isis is the original embodiment of the divine feminine. She was and still is all goddess in one. As the full package, Isis exudes all the feminine archetypes. Therefore, she can be tapped into when you're channeling or using a tarot because she is the omnipresent goddess.
The goddess Hathor was said to be Horus's wife and known to be the giver and taker of life. Much like the divine feminine, she has the power to both create and destroy. She was also known as the goddess of fertility, love, the sky, and overfall feminine pleasure. She embodied much more of the sensual nature of femininity. It is still debated whether the two Goddesses were the same. Either way, they make up the entirety of divine feminine energy.
To further prove their existence as the original divine feminine I must bring up ancient topics such as the Annunaki. The Anunnaki were essentially aliens that came here to plant the seeds of new life on earth during the Summerian times. They came from planet Nibiru, which to this day is known as planet X, and scientists are still trying to prove its existence. Many Egyptian texts depict them bringing wisdom from the heavens.
You've mentioned some reader saying of royal blood lineage. This is because the Anunnaki were seen as gods. Therefore anyone decent from them is of royal blood, these are the Nephilim. It is said that both Isis and Hathor had many children of Annunaki. These two goddesses are the OG divine feminine, they birthed royal children who were demi-gods.
A look at other religious texts and their divine feminine stories
It is helpful to take a look at other divine feminine stories, to make sense of who (or better yet ),what the original divine feminine was. In Hinduism, there is the god of absolute, what I would refer to as infinite source consciousness, Brahman. From this, Purusha (referred to as lord, which can be seen as Jesus). Purusha ( reflected “ onto himself'')  to create Prakriti. Prakriti is the divine feminine energy, also known as nature. And both of these two energies can procreate and create new life when they join as one.
Now taking a look back at the language used, such as reflection, we can see that, to reflect -is to be one of the same. However in this case, when we refer to reflection, we do not mean it in literal terms. The divine feminine was created originally, as the complementary counterpart of the divine masculine energy. They reflect each other perfectly.
In traditional Judaism, it is God's Shekinah (divine presence) that dwells in the holy holies of the Jerusalem temple. It was guarded by two angelic figures, which represented yin and yang, or the two DF/DM beings. The two cherubim were embracing, symbolizing the divine union of both of their energies.
Eve was the first divine feminine energy to be introduced into the bible. She represented the creativity and curiosity of women. Eve also began the hidden battle between being true to oneself and being controlled and oppressed by masculine energy. This all boils down to the first karmic relationship that continues to affect all women today. Eve “coerced” Adam into eating the apple, and she and her descendants were punished. This no doubt created resentment towards Adam and thus men.
As for the rest of humanity, the divine feminine and masculine energies would always be seeking to reunite after the betrayal of what happened in the garden. The reason for these DF/DM rifts and breakups is not to punish, but to poke each other to the point of irritation where one party or both would be forced to grow and evolve. Hence, both parties consent to act as the chaser or runner in each lifetime. They are trying to help each other grow and evolve by any means necessary. All the biblical stories can be seen as following this same allegory.
My Conclusion
There is no true, original divine feminine character. The real divine feminine is omnipresent energy that has been here from the beginning. She is manifested as a different character in many religious texts. She is extremely multifaceted and expresses herself in different ways through time and space. Of course, her first existence was in ancient Egypt as mentioned earlier.
Who are these people tapping into when they reference tarot? They are tapping into the infinite divine feminine energy. As for, who exactly they are pulling from, that depends on the energy of the cards and their own personal beliefs. Each reader has their own story and certain things they resonate with. It is up to the individual to find a story that resonates with them and use that to channel accurately. Just as everyone has their deities and spirit guides, every reader must define their female character for themselves.


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