Law of assumption video script

Mariah Brown

Script Writer
Google Drive
This is a 1,000 word youtube video script I wrote for a client with a manifestation channel.
What is the law of assumption and how does it work?
Intro ( slightly humorous)
Hello Everyone ( or your community name ), welcome back to my channel. Thank you so much for joining me for today's highly important topic, one of my favorites - the law of assumption. You may or may not have heard of this law before, and honestly, where have you been? Because you are missing out! How do I know you’re missing out? Because I was missing out, BIG TIME. Once I learned about this new way of manifesting, my entire life changed! And I can bet yours will too.
Intro ( calm/informative )
Hello Everyone ( or your community name ), welcome back to my channel. Thank you so much for joining me for today's highly important topic, one of my favorites - the law of assumption. And stay tuned for the whole video, because I can guarantee that once you begin to understand and use this manifestation technique, your entire life will change. No seriously. My entire life changed when I started to use the information that I will present to you in this video.
A little background on the LOA
Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption and watch the world play its part relative to its fulfillment.This famous quote was written by the one and only Neville Goddard. He was way before his time and dropped gems that the world has just now seemed to catch up to. He is also the 1900s-based thought leader who coined the phrase law of assumption.
Some of his core principles were - The feeling is the secret, consciousness is the only reality, Living in the end/ from the wish fulfilled, and Assumptions harden into facts. These are all the biggest pieces of the law of assumption. I can make a video in greater detail about more of his teachings in the future.Please comment down below on which topic you'd like to hear about next.Now let's get into the juicy parts of this principle.
Everything you need to know
First, it's important to mention what this law means in terms of how Neville explained it. Goddard teaches that the only way to manifest anything you want is to assume the feeling of your wish being fulfilled.
This basically means that you need to get into a state that (tricks) or primes your mind into believing what you want to manifest, has already happened. It is scientifically proven that our brains cannot tell the difference between a visualization and what is happening in real life.
This means that, when you continuously imagine that your manifestation has already happened, and then add a positive feeling to that, it must manifest for you. This is a universal law - and as long as you stick with the routine he teaches you will see results very quickly. His method is very simple, but don’t mistake simple for ineffective.
What you will do is visualize what you want to manifest every night before bed, but visualize it from the perspective that you already have. Focus on the feeling. As I mentioned earlier, the feeling is the secret. You will need to get into a state that makes you feel as though you already have it. This is the main key.
How you will do this is....
You will be as specific as possible about the version of you that already has it. How would they feel, knowing that their manifestation is already here? They would probably think it's normal to have it, they would be feeling so grateful that they have it, they might even be planning their next manifestation after that.
My biggest tip for this is to write down the image of exactly what you want in a journal or on paper and use that to reference for your visualization. Read it every day if you have to remember, then visualize it before bed every single night. And do it several times a day, if you really want to see faster results.
Neville Goddard has books that he has written on all his principles, so be sure to get those if you want to study his work more, and I highly recommend it.. ( link to any affiliate links such as amazon, if any ).
Why this video matters
Remember earlier, when I mentioned his principle that consciousness is the only reality? This is why his technique works so well. Since our consciousness is our only reality, that means that we create the world we live in through our perceptions. Now let's take that and expand upon it because I really want this to work for you.
And remember to comment any questions you have for me if they come up. And like this video, if you are enjoying it.
Everything in our lives is the result of our beliefs, or assumptions about the world. If you're currently assuming the viewpoint that manifesting is hard, or complicated, you are telling your mind what to believe. On the other hand, if you are doing this exercise every day.... you are telling your mind what to believe. You have absolute control over your mind, just remember that it is a muscle. The more you work it out, the stronger it will work for you.
● Visualize your manifestation from the wish fulfilled. ● Feel all the emotions that come up, and anchor them in positivity. ● Now marinate in this feeling and BE as if you already have it.
This is how you use the law of assumption to manifest faster and easier than ever before. Eventually, you will feel so good, that when it shows up, it will be normal. This is because you have already been living at the end of your manifestation.
Final thoughts
Thank you so much for watching my video, I really hope you enjoyed it. Please comment on your takeaways and let me know if you have used this technique before and how it worked for you!
Remember to like this video so we can reach more people and pass along these powerful tips.I will be back ( insert time around the next video date ) for a new video to help you manifest the life you really want. Goodbye!
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