Lifestyle Blog

Mariah Brown

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Now I must explore the reasons why these jobs didn’t work for me and it's a lot to unpack but to sum it up. I am an introvert. I am also a projector if you are familiar with human design. I’m empathic when it comes to people's emotions and behaviors towards me. So that is a lethal combination and it caused severe emotional burnout for me. I remember feeling depressed because my life was not working. I was not happy, and it seemed to be normal to hate your job. Everyone was doing this and seemed fine. Naturally, I assumed something was wrong with me.
I used to think, that most people out here have two or three jobs and seem to be okay. Then here I am, feeling like I was going to die. I used to just cry all the time because I was so unhappy, I was so lost and exhausted. I remember feeling so unfulfilled. I knew I couldn’t do this forever or even for a long time. I knew that this would be the death of me. TRIGGER WARNING: But it was giving very much suicidal ideation at this point. Just keep it real! I was not made for this mundane life, and I knew this. So I decided to take a risk and say, F it. I'm either gonna be homeless and happy with no job and no income, or I'm gonna find a way. This was around the time I discovered attraction and stuff. And I decided that things were going to change for me.
What I learned after failing dozens of times.
Okay, so now that we have all that covered. Here's what I learned. All of the years failing could have been corrected with this one world right. Alignment. Alignment. Alignment! I want to scream this from the top of the roof. I learned that no matter what you do if it is not aligned with your soul's mission and purpose on this planet! If you are not doing what you know in your heart is right, It will not work! PERIOD. Even if you get the money, even if you have the so-called success. You won’t. From the outside looking in everything seems to be perfect. On the inside you will be unfulfilled, burnt out, and probably depressed. You won’t know why, but you will feel it.
This is the truth of it all and this is why I had no luck in all these jobs, side hustles, and weird money-making activities. It all comes down to... Are you in alignment? Are you doing what your soul urges you to do? Are you being authentic and living your best life? If you are not, you are not aligned, and you must become it. Decide right now, I will make an effort to become aligned to my soul's purpose and higher calling and I will not stop until I feel so full of love, light, and peace! I will make this a priority and I will follow the divine breadcrumbs every day until it starts to feel so yummy and amazing.


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