In this capacity, I often enter the picture during the planning phase, but it is also not uncommon that I am brought in as a fresh set of eyes on a final draft or in the middle of the project during the developmental editing stage. I aid in the planning, goal setting, and outlining processes during the earliest parts of a project. In the research phase of these projects, I help guide clients toward reputable sources, conduct research, write attributions, and help manage plagiarism risk. The developmental phase is often characterized by major reorganization, structural work, and style work to ensure that the piece is foundational sound before final edits are made. During the final editing phase—my favourite, by far—I work with my clients to polish and perfect their tone, style, voice, and presentation of information. It is not uncommon for this to include an in depth review of attributions, the development of a presentation, or the workshopping of presentation delivery.