Uber: Building a people centered strategy

Catharina Nogueira

Project Manager
Google Drive

Project Goal:

Managed and led a cultural transformation project for a large corporation, resulting in an increase in employee satisfaction and revenue.

The challenge:

My team worked with Uber’s local & global leadership teams to craft their new employer experience strategy, company positioning & create a launch campaign two months before an important organizational shift that could potentially impact their employee retention & value proposition. The main challenge was not just the limited time but the fast pace, direction changes and coordination decision making with the global C-level. 

The Strategy:

The first step was doing an agile discovery process, executing a diagnosis with quantitative and qualitative research to capture the moment in which people and the organization were and create an assertive change management action plan that led us to the creation of the change management campaign and communication.


The project was a success and, differently from some consulting projects, I was able to lead the 90-day implementation plan of the strategy and see its results first-hand, which were the execution of a successful important company shift without hurting their 800+ employee’s perception of the company value (i.e achieving high levels of employee retention). 


2 months
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