A decentralized, online Poker platform using Bitcoin as the transaction currency. Designed to give a bright and fun look to the app.
1. To design a responsive web app that works on all devices.
Majority of the Poker games in the market use native apps for each platform - Windows PC, Mac PC, Android devices, and iOS devices, but we wanted a no-download approach and hence a web app that would work on all devices.
The obvious design challenge here being the need for a design that would be responsive and without any UI glitches on some form factors.
2. Design a UI that can be later made to look fully 3D
The MVP had to have a simple UI but the Product Owner wanted to upgrade the UI with a 3D look in future updates so the initial UI had to be be compatible for that.
Every module or sub-module were start with action flow(s) and wire flow(s) (low fidelity designs) to help the product owners to validate the ideas and also to help the developers and testers to understand the flow of the application.
UMLs were charted for ease of developers to plan the modules and for testers to refer to.
UI screens were designed to give a fresh look to the interface Poker players are used to.
The app experience was improved and player acquisition was proven through closed beta testing group.
Players found the idea of Progressive Web App interesting and also the Poker games with affordable buy-ins and fair rakes for casual and professional players alike.
Validated the ability to replace the existing 2D ui elements with 3D elements in future updates without code changes.