Mental health and self-improvement (Content writing) - JoClub

Yvonne Worden

Social Content Design
Social Media Manager
Google Docs


JoClub is an international group of people dedicated to self-awareness, growth, and cultivating a positive community through the tool of journaling. This membership-based community journals as a collective on weekly live journaling calls, and stays in touch in an always-on community platform for daily conversation, monthly challenges, and more.
JoClub Founder Joanna Franco is a recognized author, TV host (featured on Netflix's "The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals"), public speaker, polyglot, and a popular personality on YouTube.
This portfolio work is an example of a typical 3-month project (the minimum contract term I offer) for custom batched social media content and writing for clients. This project was the perfect opportunity to explore the creative side of mental health writing and journaling – both of which are big passions of mine. While I'm busy with different client work now, this has been one of my favorite projects to date. I've remained an engaged and loyal member of JoClub for the past 2 years.
The first annual JoClub journaling retreat at the Ekodrom Estate in Vojnič, Croatia in April 2022.
The first annual JoClub journaling retreat at the Ekodrom Estate in Vojnič, Croatia in April 2022.


3x/week Instagram post
Content writing: daily journaling prompts, tips, and guidance for JoClub's newsletter (see sample below 👀⤵)
Takeaway notes for founder Jo Franco's "Not Your Average Jo" podcast
(^newsletter sample. Social media posts ⤵)
(^newsletter sample. Social media posts ⤵)
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