Liquid Death Radio AD

Venus Kamara

Script Writer

The Brief:

Create a 1 minute TV script for an ad promoting Liquid Death. It can be whatever scenario you want, just make sure it adheres to Liquid Death’s signature tone of voice and that it fits the format and style of a TV ad script.


Liquid Death's Mountain Water is different from other water brands, in terms of packaging and marketing. Liquid Death in a bottle can is akin to energy drinks and beer cans, which gives the feeling that you're doing something inappropriate when you drink it. It’s as if you're drinking alcohol when you shouldn't (referring to Liquid Death’s ad of children drinking Mountain Water and acting like adults drinking alcohol). Liquid Death's marketing is also inappropriate and explicit, consistently displayed in their adverts. So compared to other water brands that advertise their consumers having a peaceful and comfortable lifestyle, Liquid Death advertises its consumers as having one that’s chaotic and volatile. They're different from others as they do things differently.


I developed a script where five female sprinters compete. Four women peacefully drink from water bottles as fuel for energy. Only one woman drinks 
Liquid Death. Throughout the competition, the woman who drank Liquid Death kills her opponents as she runs. By the end of the competition, she smiles and walks away satisfied, revealing the corpses of her competitors behind her.


Murder Your Thirst Before You Murder The Competition

The Result:

Copy and paste the link in the URL: file:///C:/Users/venus/OneDrive/Documents/Copywriting%20Script/Liquid%20Death%20AD%20Watermark%20-%20VENUS%20KAMARA.pdf
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