Igniting Inclusivity: Fireball Wizard

Julie Park

UX Writer
UX Copywriter
Come along on a magical adventure in Wizardonia! Picture this - you're a wizard or witch exploring pixelated landscapes full of action and excitement. The tutorial unveils the game's magic, but I hit some bumps like language inclusivity and finding upgrades at the wizard shop.

What's the Problem?

Adding inclusive language tailored to the user's location and giving clearer instructions on how to find the wizard shop would really step up the user experience. The aim was to make users feel right at home and part of the adventure, cutting down on any confusion with navigation.

What Did I Do?

I've been tweaking this page to make sure you have the best experience. I focused on using inclusive language to make you feel at home and added clearer instructions for finding and upgrading at the wizard shop. It's all about balancing guidance with the thrill of discovery for an awesome user experience!

Did It Work?

The changes we made were all about making everyone feel welcome and making things easier for you all. People from different places really connected with the game when they could use their own language, and the clearer instructions at the wizard shop helped you move around more easily. We just wanted to make sure you have more fun and get more involved in the magic of Fireball Wizard.
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