Virtual Assistant

Mary Jennielyn Tuazon


Customer Support Representative

Business Development Specialist

Virtual Assistant

Google Drive

Google Sheets

G Suite

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Teams

Briefly describe the project you worked on. What did you create, who did you create it for, and how did you approach this project?
Tip: Try to keep this description brief and under 150 words by highlighting the best parts of this project— recruiters don’t spend much time reading detailed descriptions! 💪
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Posted Jan 17, 2023

As a Virtual Assistant, I handle various task depending on my clients business needs. Wether it may be social media management, customer support, etc.






Customer Support Representative

Business Development Specialist

Virtual Assistant

Google Drive

Google Sheets

G Suite

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Teams

Social Media Manager
Social Media Manager
I’m Mary Tuazon, A Virtual Assistant from the Philippines
I’m Mary Tuazon, A Virtual Assistant from the Philippines